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The Language


English Saami
How much is this? Olugo dát máksá?
I don’t understand! Mun in ádde!
Please speak more slowly! Hála gulul!
Do you have a pen? Leatgo don ožžon peanna?
Where is the store? Gos lea gávpi?
Where is the drug store? Gos lea ápotehka?
I don’t smoke. Mun in borggut.
I don’t eat meat. Mun in bora bierggu.
What would you like to drink? Maid don áiggut juhkat?
I don’t know. Mun in dieđe.
May I use your phone? Sáhtángo geavahit du telefovnna?
Where can I hire a car? Gos mun sáhtan láigohit biilla?
Where is the train station? Gos lea junastašuvdna?
Where can I park the car? Gosa mun sáhtán bissehit biilla?
Non-smoking, please. Ale borggut.
I’d like a window seat, please. Mun hálidivccen lásabeale báikki.
Where can I buy a ticket? Gos mun sáhtán oastit bileahta?
Where can I get a taxi? Gos mun sáhtán táksse diŋgot?
May I please have the check? Sáhtángo mun rehkega oažžut?
Where is the beach? Gos lea gáddi?
Is it safe to swim here? Leago dorvvolaš vuojadit dáppe?
Help! Vehket!
Get an ambulance! Diŋgo ambulánssa!
Someone stole my passport! Muhtun suoládii mu pássa!
I feel ill. Mun lean illávejii.
What is the telephone number? Mii lean telefonnummir?
I need a doctor. Mun dárbbašan doaktára.
Cheers! Máistte!
What time is it? Olugo diibmu lea?
Excuse me. Ándagassi.
Oh no! Vuoi, vuoi!
Damnit! Vuoi fasttat!


Cardinal Numbers

English Saami
one okta
two guokte
three golbma
four njeallje
five vihtta
six guhtta
seven čieža
eight gávcci
nine ovcci
ten logi
eleven oktanuppelohkái
twelve guoktenuppelohkái
thirteen golbmanuppelohkái
fourteen njealljenuppelohkái
fifteen vihtanuppelohkái
sixteen guhttanuppelohkái
seventeen čiežanuppelohkái
eighteen gávccinuppelohkái
nineteen ovvcinuppelohkái
twenty guoktelogi
twenty-one guoktelogiokta
twenty-eight guoktelogiovcci
thirty golbmalogi
forty njealljelogi
fifty vihttalogi
sixty guhttalogi
seventy čiežalogi
eighty gávccilogi
ninety ovccilogi
one hundred čuođi
one thousand duhát
one hundred thousand čuođiduhát

Ordinal Numbers

English Saami
first vuosttaš
second nubbi
third goalmmát
fourth njealját
fifth viđat
sixth guđát
seventh čihččet
eighth gávccát
ninth ovccát
tenth logát
eleventh oktanuppelogát
twelfth guoktenuppelogát
thirteenth golbmanuppelogát
fourteenth njealljenuppelogát
fifteenth vihtanuppelogát
sixteenth guhttanuppelogát
seventeenth čiežanuppelogát
eighteenth gávccinuppelogát
nineteenth ovvcinuppelogát
twentyth guoktelogát

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